Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Helmet hits cause head drauma

Concussions are more common with young-players then people think. Young athletes today in football are taught differently than NFL players were taught. Some coaches teach their players to go in with their head which is a major safety issue. Players who go in with their helmet when tackling are 90% more likely to be injured then a player who does not. The NFL today deals with those type of helmet to helmet hits, but all they really do is just yell at them and then fine the player. If I was a coach and one of my players used his helmet and got flagged, I wouldn't yell at him, I would just take him aside and talk to him about how to tackle. CTE is a major issue today and can be fatal. So don't do helmet to helmet hits because I know you don't want to deal with all the "head drauma".

Connor Sudderth


Anonymous said...

It would be really great if coaches would teach proper techniques for hitting.


Anonymous said...

I agree with "Mom."

Anonymous said...

They only hit people so hard because they have helmets. No helmets and they will be less aggressive.

Anonymous said...

There is a freakonomics podcast about safety products making people do more dangerous things. The discussion includes better helments and harder hits.


Anonymous said...

I think coaches should teach children the correct way to tackle, without using their hear, and maybe there would not be so many injuries.

Anonymous said...

Well Football is a full-contact sport. So they should expect concussions quite frequently. Helmets should be tighter but still comfortable. Coaches during a game should ask anyone who has been hit in a game, and learn what happens to people after concussions.

Anonymous said...

It is imparative that coaches teach proper tackling techniques, players execute those correct techniques and refs enforce illegal hits (i.e. helmet to helmet or leading with the helmet) and hopefully injuries will decrease.

Anonymous said...

It is imparative that coaches teach proper tackling techniques, players execute those correct techniques and refs enforce illegal hits (i.e. helmet to helmet or leading with the helmet) and hopefully injuries will decrease.

Anonymous said...

I think there should be a trained medical professional at each game to make the judgement calls of whether a player should continue playing in the game. Dangerous to let the coaches make that call. I think helmets need redesigning, regulations for hitting redefined, and proper techniques insisted upon.

Anonymous said...

I agree with "Mom" and also believe there should be a medical professional present at each game - "just in case." Illegal hits should not be tolerated at any player level. Winning a game at a lower level (school games) may lead to praise and status, winning at a higher level (professional) may lead to more money; however, one concussion too many may lead to brain damage or worse.